Thursday, October 13, 2011

Shoulder/Survivor Night & Get Juicy!!!

We have a tradition at the townhouse Wednesday night I make pork shoulder and we watch Survivor.  Sounds strange but this recipe is so easy and the shoulder is absolutely to die for!!!  If you make any recipe I post this should be it.  I adapted it from the Chipolte recipe and its 100% paleo. The meat just falls off and is very flavorful.  I serve it with a side of paleo guac which I will post as well because you can use this recipe often.  This meal is a great stand in for the traditional unhealthy taco night or worse a trip to Chipolte.  If you have not purchased pork shoulder before a 3 pound piece is usually about $10 dollars.  Very wallet friendly!  You dont have to watch Survivor but I highly recommend it.

Pork Shoulder
1. Preheat oven to 325 and sear the shoulder on all 4 sides in a little oil so it gets brown and crusty
2. remove from heat and add the following, 4 tomatoes, 2 onions sliced, 10 dried peppers ( we used jalapeno original recipe calls for dried chipolte chiles), 4 garlic gloves, a bunch of fresh oregano, 2 teaspoons cumin, 4 cloves, 1 bay leaf, 3/4 a cup water or stock. (its better with stock but I use water a lot because Im too lazy to make stock)
3. put in oven for 3 hours or till falling off the bone tender.

Paleo Guac
1. Mash 4 avocados
2. add some diced onion
3. 2 jalapenos finely chopped
4. juice of 1 lime
5. chop a few tomatoes, mix in and then garnish with the rest

On a side note we purchased the Vitamix 500 yesterday!!  Apparently this machine will change our lives.  We are going to be people that juice now.  I have to admit my husband is the one that really wanted this machine but I am excited now that I have it and have started playing with it.  It has a DVD to watch and a huge recipe book. Seeing Pete's face light up when he saw the Vitamix was almost enough to justify the purchase.  He assured me he will learn everything there is to know about juicing by Sunday....hardcore!  I'm departing tomorrow for what promises to be an epic cheat weekend with all my girls so I'm expecting a huge hangover curve juice waiting for me when I walk in on Sunday!

* I figured out that my loyal followers were not getting updates when I posted... TRAGIC!!  So I installed something to fix that.  Just enter your email where it says subscribe via email and you will receive all PLP posts! Thanks!

How gorgeous is this piece of meat!!! 


Cloves... they look creepy but you need to add them bc they add so much flavor

In its home for the next 3 hours

Life changing purchase

Lets hope I can make all this 

New toy out of the box

Ingredients for the gucamole


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